2022-10-01 11:46:18 +00:00
-- Shorten function name
local keymap = vim.keymap.set
-- Silent keymap option
local opts = { silent = true }
--Remap space as leader key
keymap("", "<Space>", "<Nop>", opts)
vim.g.mapleader = " "
-- Modes
-- normal_mode = "n",
-- insert_mode = "i",
-- visual_mode = "v",
-- visual_block_mode = "x",
-- term_mode = "t",
-- command_mode = "c",
-- Normal --
-- Better window navigation
keymap("n", "<C-h>", "<C-w>h", opts)
keymap("n", "<C-j>", "<C-w>j", opts)
keymap("n", "<C-k>", "<C-w>k", opts)
keymap("n", "<C-l>", "<C-w>l", opts)
-- Resize with arrows
keymap("n", "<C-Up>", ":resize -2<CR>", opts)
keymap("n", "<C-Down>", ":resize +2<CR>", opts)
keymap("n", "<C-Left>", ":vertical resize -2<CR>", opts)
keymap("n", "<C-Right>", ":vertical resize +2<CR>", opts)
-- Navigate buffers
keymap("n", "<S-l>", ":bnext<CR>", opts)
keymap("n", "<S-h>", ":bprevious<CR>", opts)
-- Clear highlights
keymap("n", "<leader>h", "<cmd>nohlsearch<CR>", opts)
-- Close buffers
keymap("n", "<S-q>", "<cmd>Bdelete!<CR>", opts)
-- Toogle Trouble
keymap("n", "<leader>xx", "<cmd>TroubleToggle<cr>", opts)
keymap("n", "<leader>xw", "<cmd>TroubleToggle workspace_diagnostics<cr>", opts)
keymap("n", "<leader>xd", "<cmd>TroubleToggle document_diagnostics<cr>", opts)
keymap("n", "<leader>xl", "<cmd>TroubleToggle loclist<cr>", opts)
keymap("n", "<leader>xq", "<cmd>TroubleToggle quickfix<cr>", opts)
2022-10-08 15:16:05 +00:00
keymap("n", "gd", "<cmd>TroubleToggle lsp_definitions<cr>", opts)
keymap("n", "gt", "<cmd>TroubleToggle lsp_type_definitions<cr>", opts)
keymap("n", "gi", "<cmd>TroubleToggle lsp_implementations<cr>", opts)
keymap("n", "gr", "<cmd>TroubleToggle lsp_references<cr>", opts)
2022-10-01 11:46:18 +00:00
-- Better paste
keymap("v", "p", '"_dP', opts)
-- Insert --
-- Press jk fast to enter
keymap("i", "jk", "<ESC>", opts)
-- Visual --
-- Stay in indent mode
keymap("v", "<", "<gv", opts)
keymap("v", ">", ">gv", opts)
-- NeoTree
keymap("n", "<leader>e", ":Neotree toggle<CR>", opts)
keymap("n", "<leader>gg", ":Neotree float git_status<CR>", opts)
-- Telescope
keymap("n", "<leader>ff", ":Telescope find_files<CR>", opts)
keymap("n", "<C-p>", ":Telescope find_files<CR>", opts)
keymap("n", "<leader>fg", ":Telescope live_grep<CR>", opts)
keymap("n", "<leader>fb", ":Telescope buffers<CR>", opts)
2022-10-09 17:23:15 +00:00
keymap("n", "<leader>fc", ":Telescope commands<CR>", opts)
2022-10-01 11:46:18 +00:00
-- Comment
2022-10-04 17:04:22 +00:00
keymap("n", "<leader>/", "<cmd>lua require('Comment.api').toggle.linewise.current()<CR>", opts)
2022-10-03 14:56:41 +00:00
keymap("x", "<leader>/", '<ESC><CMD>lua require("Comment.api").toggle.linewise(vim.fn.visualmode())<CR>')
2022-10-01 11:46:18 +00:00
-- DAP
keymap("n", "<leader>db", "<cmd>lua require'dap'.toggle_breakpoint()<cr>", opts)
keymap("n", "<leader>dc", "<cmd>lua require'dap'.continue()<cr>", opts)
keymap("n", "<leader>di", "<cmd>lua require'dap'.step_into()<cr>", opts)
keymap("n", "<leader>do", "<cmd>lua require'dap'.step_over()<cr>", opts)
keymap("n", "<leader>dO", "<cmd>lua require'dap'.step_out()<cr>", opts)
keymap("n", "<leader>dr", "<cmd>lua require'dap'.repl.toggle()<cr>", opts)
keymap("n", "<leader>dl", "<cmd>lua require'dap'.run_last()<cr>", opts)
keymap("n", "<leader>du", "<cmd>lua require'dapui'.toggle()<cr>", opts)
keymap("n", "<leader>dt", "<cmd>lua require'dap'.terminate()<cr>", opts)
-- Session Manager
keymap("n", "<leader>so", ":SessionManager load_session<cr>", opts)
keymap("n", "<leader>sd", ":SessionManager delete_session<cr>", opts)
keymap("n", "<leader>ss", ":SessionManager save_current_session<cr>", opts)