require("blink.cmp").setup({ -- disable completion for certain filetypes enabled = function() return not vim.tbl_contains({ "sagarename" }, and ~= "prompt" and vim.b.completion ~= false end, appearance = { use_nvim_cmp_as_default = false, }, completion = { accept = { auto_brackets = { enabled = false, }, }, documentation = { auto_show = true, auto_show_delay_ms = 200, window = { border = "single" }, }, menu = { -- don't show completion menu automatically when searching auto_show = function(ctx) return ctx.mode ~= "cmdline" or not vim.tbl_contains({ "/", "?" }, vim.fn.getcmdtype()) end, border = "single", draw = { treesitter = { "lsp" }, columns = { { "label", "label_description", gap = 1 }, { "kind_icon", "kind", gap = 1 }, }, }, }, }, signature = { window = { border = "single" } }, sources = { default = { "lsp", "path", "buffer", "copilot" }, providers = { copilot = { name = "copilot", module = "blink-copilot", score_offset = 100, async = true, opts = { max_completions = 3, }, }, }, }, keymap = { preset = "enter", [""] = { "hide", "fallback" }, [""] = { "select_prev", "fallback" }, [""] = { "select_next", "fallback" }, }, })