#!/bin/sh # POLYWINS # Forked from: https://github.com/tam-carre/polywins # SETTINGS {{{ --- active_text_color="#F5A70A" active_bg="#000000" active_underline="#ECB3B2" inactive_text_color="#ffffff" inactive_bg= inactive_underline= separator=" " show="icon" # options: window_title, window_classname, icon forbidden_names="Polybar Conky Gmrun" empty_desktop_message="" char_limit=20 max_windows=15 char_case="normal" # normal, upper, lower add_spaces="true" resize_increment=16 wm_border_width=1 # setting this might be required for accurate resize position # --- }}} main() { # If no argument passed... if [ -z "$2" ]; then # ...print new window list every time # the active window changes or # a window is opened or closed xprop -root -spy _NET_CLIENT_LIST _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW | while IFS= read -r _; do generate_window_list done # If arguments are passed, run requested on-click function else "$@" fi } get_icon_by_name() { name=$(echo "$1" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') declare -A ICON_MAP=( [tilix]= [code]= [brave-browser]= [firefox]= [chromium]= [tor]= [nextcloud]= [gnome-calculator]= [gnome-calendar]= [gnome-control-center]= [gnome-terminal]= [gpaste-ui]= [eog]= [evince]= [10]= [nautilus]= [file-roller]= [mailspring]= [keepassxc]= [steam]= [skype]= [slack]= [spotify]= [telegramdesktop]= [xterm]= ) if [ ${ICON_MAP[$name]+_} ]; then echo "${ICON_MAP[$name]}" else echo "$name" | cut -c 1 | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' fi } # ON-CLICK FUNCTIONS {{{ --- raise_or_minimize() { if [ "$(get_active_wid)" = "$1" ]; then # wmctrl -ir "$1" -b toggle,hidden xdotool windowminimize "$(xdotool getactivewindow)" echo "minimize" >> /dev/shm/log else echo "positos" >> /dev/shm/log wmctrl -ia "$1" fi } close() { wmctrl -ic "$1" } slop_resize() { wmctrl -ia "$1" wmctrl -ir "$1" -e "$(slop -f 0,%x,%y,%w,%h)" } increment_size() { while IFS="[ .]" read -r wid ws wx wy ww wh _; do test "$wid" != "$1" && continue x=$(( wx - wm_border_width * 2 - resize_increment / 2 )) y=$(( wy - wm_border_width * 2 - resize_increment / 2 )) w=$(( ww + resize_increment )) h=$(( wh + resize_increment )) done <<-EOF $(wmctrl -lG) EOF wmctrl -ir "$1" -e "0,$x,$y,$w,$h" } decrement_size() { while IFS="[ .]" read -r wid ws wx wy ww wh _; do test "$wid" != "$1" && continue x=$(( wx - wm_border_width * 2 + resize_increment / 2 )) y=$(( wy - wm_border_width * 2 + resize_increment / 2 )) w=$(( ww - resize_increment )) h=$(( wh - resize_increment )) done <<-EOF $(wmctrl -lG) EOF wmctrl -ir "$1" -e "0,$x,$y,$w,$h" } # --- }}} # WINDOW LIST SETUP {{{ --- active_left="%{F$active_text_color}" active_right="%{F-}" inactive_left="%{F$inactive_text_color}" inactive_right="%{F-}" separator="%{F$inactive_text_color}$separator%{F-}" if [ -n "$active_underline" ]; then active_left="${active_left}%{+u}%{u$active_underline}" active_right="%{-u}${active_right}" fi if [ -n "$active_bg" ]; then active_left="${active_left}%{B$active_bg}" active_right="%{B-}${active_right}" fi if [ -n "$inactive_underline" ]; then inactive_left="${inactive_left}%{+u}%{u$inactive_underline}" inactive_right="%{-u}${inactive_right}" fi if [ -n "$inactive_bg" ]; then inactive_left="${inactive_left}%{B$inactive_bg}" inactive_right="%{B-}${inactive_right}" fi get_active_wid() { active_wid=$(xprop -root _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW) active_wid="${active_wid#*\# }" active_wid="${active_wid%,*}" # Necessary for XFCE while [ ${#active_wid} -lt 10 ]; do active_wid="0x0${active_wid#*x}" done echo "$active_wid" } get_active_workspace() { wmctrl -d | while IFS="[ .]" read -r number active_status _; do test "$active_status" = "*" && echo "$number" && break done } generate_window_list() { active_workspace=$(get_active_workspace) active_wid=$(get_active_wid) window_count=0 on_click="$0" # Format each window name one by one # Space and . are both used as IFS, # because classname and class are separated by '.' while IFS=" " read -r wid ws cname host title; do cname=${cname##*.} # Don't show the window if on another workspace (-1 = sticky) if [ "$ws" != "$active_workspace" ] && [ "$ws" != "-1" ]; then continue fi # Don't show the window if its class is forbidden case "$forbidden_names" in *$cname*) continue ;; esac # If max number of windows reached, just increment # the windows counter if [ "$window_count" -ge "$max_windows" ]; then window_count=$(( window_count + 1 )) continue fi # Show the user-selected window property case "$show" in "window_classname") w_name="$cname" ;; "window_title") w_name="$title" ;; "icon") w_name=$(get_icon_by_name "$cname") esac # Use user-selected character case case "$char_case" in "lower") w_name=$( echo "$w_name" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' ) ;; "upper") w_name=$( echo "$w_name" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' ) ;; esac # Truncate displayed name to user-selected limit if [ "${#w_name}" -gt "$char_limit" ]; then w_name="$(echo "$w_name" | cut -c1-$((char_limit-1)))…" fi # Apply add-spaces setting if [ "$add_spaces" = "true" ]; then w_name=" $w_name " fi # Add left and right formatting to displayed name if [ "$wid" = "$active_wid" ]; then w_name="${active_left}${w_name}${active_right}" else w_name="${inactive_left}${w_name}${inactive_right}" fi if [ "$window_count" = 0 ]; then printf "%s" "%{T4}Tasks: %{T-}" fi # Add separator unless the window is first in list if [ "$window_count" != 0 ]; then printf "%s" "$separator" fi # Add on-click action Polybar formatting printf "%s" "%{A1:$on_click raise_or_minimize $wid:}" printf "%s" "%{A2:$on_click close $wid:}" printf "%s" "%{A3:$on_click slop_resize $wid:}" printf "%s" "%{A4:$on_click increment_size $wid:}" printf "%s" "%{A5:$on_click decrement_size $wid:}" # Print the final window name printf "%s" "%{T6}$w_name%{T-}" printf "%s" "%{A}%{A}%{A}%{A}%{A}" window_count=$(( window_count + 1 )) done <<-EOF $(wmctrl -lx) EOF # After printing all the windows, # print number of hidden windows if [ "$window_count" -gt "$max_windows" ]; then printf "%s" "+$(( window_count - max_windows ))" # Print empty desktop message if no windows are open elif [ "$window_count" = 0 ]; then printf "%s" "$empty_desktop_message" fi # Print newline echo "" } # --- }}} main "$@"