#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import subprocess colors = { 'us': '#FDD835', # us, user : time running un-niced user processes 'sy': '#23A8F1', # sy, system : time running kernel processes 'ni': '#FFFFFF', # ni, nice : time running niced user processes 'wa': '#E53935', # wa, IO-wait : time waiting for I/O completion 'hi': '#66CDAA', # hi : time spent servicing hardware interrupts 'si': '#7FFFD4', # si : time spent servicing software interrupts 'st': '#7B2B4E', # st : time stolen from this vm by the hypervisor 'id': '#555555' } def show_cpu_usage(): new_env = dict(os.environ) new_env['LANG'] = 'en_US.UTF-8' # ensure that the decimal separator is a point top = subprocess.run(["top", "-bn1"], capture_output=True, env=new_env) raw_cpu_usages = top.stdout.decode("utf-8").split('\n')[2] cpu_usage = str.replace(raw_cpu_usages, '%Cpu(s):', '') bar = '' global_count = 0 for usage in cpu_usage.split(','): values = str.lstrip(usage).split(' ') count = round(float(values[0]) / 10) if count > 0 and values[1] != 'id': global_count += count bar += '%{F' + colors[values[1]] + '}' + '_' * count + '%{F-}' padding = '' if global_count < 10: padding = '%{F' + colors['id'] + '}' + '_' * (10 - global_count) + '%{F-}' print("%{A1:$TERMINAL_CMD top -o %CPU &:}%{T5}" + bar + padding + "%{T-}%{A}") if __name__ == "__main__": show_cpu_usage()