- New features:
- Show On Command -- Display prompt segments conditional on the
command being typed. Demo:
- `p10k display` -- Quickly hide or show different parts of prompt.
- `p10k-on-*` hooks -- Get notified about prompt-related events.
- New prompt segments:
- google_app_cred -- Google Application Credentials.
- luaenv -- Lua version from https://github.com/cehoffman/luaen.
- jenv -- Java version from https://github.com/jenv/jenv.
- plenv -- Perl version from https://github.com/tokuhirom/plenv.
- nnn -- Shell indicator for https://github.com/jarun/nnn.
- Important fixes:
- Ctrl-C no longer shortens prompt when used to terminate a zle widget
with transient prompt enabled.
- Don't print warnings in instant prompt when OMZ is updating.
- rust_version now properly recognized rustup overrides.
- Smoother rendering when using transient prompt.
- New style in `p10k configure`: Lean restricted to 8 colors.
- New feature: Instant Prompt.
- Zsh starts instantly even if zshrc loads dozens of plugins.
- Must be explicitly enabled via `p10k configure`.
- New prompt segment: azure.
- New styles: Pure and Rainbow.
- 6 times faster loading (independent of instant prompt).
- New prompt segment: terraform.
- Configuration wizard:
- Offer to install Meslo Nerd Font (only on iTerm2 and Termux).
- Offer to enable `time` prompt segment.
- New style options: round separators, heads and tails.
- Reduce the minimum required terminal width to 55 columns.
- Several bug fixes. Most notable:
- Fix network interface and ip parsing on Linux and WSL.
- Disregard auto_name_dirs if it's set.
- Several bug fixes. Most notable:
- Don't hide command execution time on reset-prompt.
- Support prezto with zsh 5.1.
- Don't hide nvm prompt when there is no nvm command.
- New prompt: ranger.
- Add an option to hide rust version when outside of rust project tree.
- Add an option to show rvm gemset.
A dozen bug fixes. Most important:
- rbenv and a few other segments didn't work if IFS was set
to something unusual.
- vcs segment couldn't properly apply subsegment style if
color overrides used mnemonic names.
- the check for .p10k.zsh already being sourced was too strict.
This is a new variable that will need to be set on all new prompts and
is not backwards compatible with custom prompts that are not prezto
managed, but use prezto's editor-info functionality. Updated the
README.md with additional information for themes.
For the submodules that have some kind of release (tags), they were
updated up to the most recent release. Otherwise, the submodule was
updated to the latest commit.
This updates the submodules for autosuggestions, completion,
syntax-highlighting and the prompts async, powerlevel9k and pure.
All submodules that have TAGs/Releases were updated to their latest
TAG/release, except for syntax-highlighting because it's latest
release/TAG is from more than one year ago, and the project seems to be
well maintained but without releases.
This reverts commit 6d00fdf8c8e4003a89d622590265d80356a7a95f.
As unfortunate as it is, this workaround was a hack and doesn't take
into account prompts like spaceship which don't use $editor_info but
rely on $KEYMAP directly. We'll need to find a more consistent solution
to fix this.