#!/bin/sh clear echo "" hash zsh 2>/dev/null || { echo "\033[0;31mFailed : ZSH is missing\033[0m" echo " ➥ Prezto does not work without ZSH. Install it first." echo "" exit } if [ -d ~/.zprezto ] then echo "\033[0;33mYou already have prezto installed.\033[0m Upgrading..." cd ~/.zprezto # git pull && git submodule update --init --recursive /usr/bin/env git add . /usr/bin/env git commit --all --message "Commit changes before upgrade" --quiet /usr/bin/env git pull --recurse-submodules /usr/bin/env git submodule update exit fi echo "\033[0;34mCloning prezto...\033[0m" hash git >/dev/null && /usr/bin/env git clone --recursive https://github.com/loranger/prezto.git "${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.zprezto" >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo "\033[0;31mFailed : Git is not installed\033[0m" os=`uname` if [ "$os" == 'Linux' ]; then url='http://git-scm.com/download/linux' elif [ "$os" == 'Darwin' ]; then url='http://brew.sh/' else url='http://git-scm.com/' fi echo " ➥ You should really take a look at $url" exit } for file in $HOME/.zprezto/runcoms/z* do rcfile=`basename $file` if [ -f $HOME/.$rcfile ] || [ -h $HOME/.$rcfile ] then echo "\033[0;33mFound ~/.$rcfile file.\033[0m \033[0;32mMoved to ~/.$rcfile.old\033[0m"; mv $HOME/.$rcfile $HOME/.$rcfile.old; fi ln -s $file $HOME/.$rcfile done echo "\033[0;32mPrezto is ready\033[0m" echo "\033[0;34mNow set zsh as your default shell by typing :\033[0m" echo "chsh -s $(which zsh)" echo "\033[0;34mand start a new term.\033[0m" # https://raw2.github.com/loranger/prezto/master/go.sh