
This project would not exist without all of its users and [contributors][1].

If you have ideas on how to make the configuration easier to maintain or
improve its performance, do not hesitate to fork and send pull requests.

### Issue Reporting

   - Check that the issue has not already been reported.
   - Check that the issue has not already been fixed in the latest code.
   - Open an issue with a clear title and description in grammatically correct,
     complete sentences.

### Pull Request

   - Read [how to properly contribute to open source projects on GitHub][2].
   - Use a topic branch to easily amend a pull request later, if necessary.
   - Write [good commit messages][3].
   - Squash commits on the topic branch before opening a pull request.
   - Use the same coding style and spacing.
   - Open a [pull request][4] that relates to but one subject with a clear
     title and description in grammatically correct, complete sentences.

#### Modules

   - A ** must be present.
   - Large functions must be placed in a *functions* directory.
   - Functions that take arguments must have completion.

#### Themes

   - A screenshots section must be present in the file header.
   - The pull request description must have [embedded screenshots][5].
