Archive ======= Provides functions to extract and list popular archive formats. Functions --------- - `extract` extracts the contents of one or more archives. - `ls-archive` lists the contents of one or more archives. Supported Formats ----------------- The following archive formats are supported when the required utilities are installed: - *.tar.gz*, *.tgz* require `tar`. - *.tar.bz2*, *.tbz* require `tar`. - *.tar.xz*, *.txz* require `tar` with *xz* support. - *.tar.zma*, *.tlz* require `tar` with *lzma* support. - *.tar* requires `tar`. - *.gz* requires `gunzip`. - *.bz2* requires `bunzip2`. - *.xz* requires `unxz`. - *.lzma* requires `unlzma`. - *.Z* requires `uncompress`. - *.zip* requires `unzip`. - *.rar* requires `unrar`. - *.7z* requires `7za`. - *.deb* requires `ar`, `tar`. Authors ------- *The authors of this module should be contacted via the [issue tracker][1].* - [Sorin Ionescu]( [1]: