# Moves directories and files to Trash.
# Authors:
#   Sorin Ionescu <sorin.ionescu@gmail.com>

print -N "${@:a}" | xargs -0 osascript -e '
  on run theFilePaths
    tell application "Finder"
      set thePOSIXFiles to {}
      repeat with aFilePath in theFilePaths
        set aPOSIXFile to aFilePath as POSIX file
        if exists aPOSIXFile
          set end of thePOSIXFiles to aPOSIXFile
        end if
      end repeat
      move every item of thePOSIXFiles to trash
    end tell
  end run
' &>/dev/null

if (( $? != 0)); then
  print "$0: failed to move one or more items" >&2
  return 1