Pacman ====== Provides aliases and functions for the [Pacman][1] package manager and frontends. Settings -------- It is possible to use a Pacman frontend with the pacman aliases provided by this package as long as that frontend supports the same command line options (Such as [Pacaur][2] or [Yaourt][3]). To enable a Pacman frontend, for example, [Pacaur][2], add the following line to *zpreztorc*: ```sh zstyle ':prezto:module:pacman' frontend 'pacaur' ``` If you have enabled color globally in *zpreztorc*, you may disable it for certain commands. To disable `yaourt` highlighting, add the following line to *zpreztorc*: ```sh zstyle ':prezto:module:pacman:yaourt' color 'no' ``` Aliases ------- ### Pacman - `pac` is short for `pacman`. - `paci` installs packages from repositories. - `pacI` installs packages from files. - `pacx` removes packages and unneeded dependencies. - `pacX` removes packages, their configuration, and unneeded dependencies. - `pacq` displays information about a package from the repositories. - `pacQ` displays information about a package from the local database. - `pacs` searches for packages in the repositories. - `pacS` searches for packages in the local database. - `pacu` synchronizes the local package and Arch Build System (requires `abs`) databases against the repositories. - `pacU` synchronizes the local package database against the repositories then upgrades outdated packages. - `pacman-list-orphans` lists orphan packages. - `pacman-remove-orphans` removes orphan packages. ### Frontends #### Yaourt Note that there are currently potential security concerns relating to yaourt, so other frontends are recommended. - `pacc` manages *.pac\** files. Functions --------- - `pacman-list-explicit` lists explicitly installed pacman packages. - `pacman-list-disowned` lists pacman disowned files. Authors ------- *The authors of this module should be contacted via the [issue tracker][4].* - [Benjamin Boudreau]( - [Sorin Ionescu]( [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: