# # Sets terminal window and tab titles. # # Authors: # James Cox # Sorin Ionescu # # Load dependencies. pmodload 'helper' # Return if requirements are not found. if [[ "$TERM" == 'dumb' ]]; then return 1 fi # Sets the GNU Screen title. function set-screen-window-title { if [[ "$TERM" == screen* ]]; then printf "\ek%s\e\\" ${(V)argv} fi } # Sets the terminal window title. function set-terminal-window-title { if [[ "$TERM" == ((x|a|ml|dt|E)term*|(u|)rxvt*|dvtm*) ]]; then printf "\e]2;%s\a" ${(V)argv} fi } # Sets the terminal tab title. function set-terminal-tab-title { if [[ "$TERM" == ((x|a|ml|dt|E)term*|(u|)rxvt*|dvtm*) ]]; then printf "\e]1;%s\a" ${(V)argv} fi } # Sets the Terminal.app current working directory. function set-terminal-app-cwd { if [[ "$TERM_PROGRAM" == 'Apple_Terminal' ]]; then printf '\e]7;%s\a' "file://$HOST${${1:-$PWD}// /%20}" fi } # Sets the tab and window titles with a given command. function set-titles-with-command { emulate -L zsh setopt EXTENDED_GLOB # Get the command name that is under job control. if [[ "${1[(w)1]}" == (fg|%*)(\;|) ]]; then # Get the job name, and, if missing, set it to the default %+. local job_name="${${1[(wr)%*(\;|)]}:-%+}" # Make a local copy for use in the subshell. local -A jobtexts_from_parent_shell jobtexts_from_parent_shell=(${(kv)jobtexts}) jobs $job_name 2>/dev/null > >( read index discarded # The index is already surrounded by brackets: [1]. set-titles-with-command "${(e):-\$jobtexts_from_parent_shell$index}" ) else # Set the command name, or in the case of sudo or ssh, the next command. local cmd=${${1[(wr)^(*=*|sudo|ssh|-*)]}:t} local truncated_cmd="${cmd/(#m)?(#c15,)/${MATCH[1,12]}...}" unset MATCH if [[ "$TERM" == screen* ]]; then set-screen-window-title "$truncated_cmd" else set-terminal-window-title "$cmd" set-terminal-tab-title "$truncated_cmd" fi fi } # Sets the tab and window titles with a given path. function set-titles-with-path { emulate -L zsh setopt EXTENDED_GLOB local absolute_path="${${1:a}:-$PWD}" local abbreviated_path="${absolute_path/#$HOME/~}" local truncated_path="${abbreviated_path/(#m)?(#c15,)/...${MATCH[-12,-1]}}" unset MATCH if [[ "$TERM" == screen* ]]; then set-screen-window-title "$truncated_path" else set-terminal-window-title "$abbreviated_path" set-terminal-tab-title "$truncated_path" fi } # Do not override precmd/preexec; append to the hook array. autoload -Uz add-zsh-hook # Set up the Apple Terminal. if [[ "$TERM_PROGRAM" == 'Apple_Terminal' ]] \ && (( ${${OSTYPE#darwin}[1,2]} >= 11 )) \ && ! is-terminal-inside-multiplexer then # Sets the Terminal.app current working directory before the prompt is # displayed. add-zsh-hook precmd set-terminal-app-cwd # Unsets the Terminal.app current working directory when a terminal # multiplexer or remote connection is started since it can no longer be # updated, and it becomes confusing when the directory displayed in the title # bar is no longer synchronized with real current working directory. function unset-terminal-app-cwd { if [[ "${2[(w)1]:t}" == (screen|tmux|dvtm|ssh|mosh) ]]; then set-terminal-app-cwd ' ' fi } add-zsh-hook preexec unset-terminal-app-cwd # Do not set the tab and window titles in Terminal.app since it sets the tab # title to the currently running process by default and the current working # directory is set separately, but do set the tab and window titles inside # terminal multiplexers inside Terminal.app. return fi # Set up non-Apple terminals. if ( ( ! is-terminal-inside-multiplexer || [[ -n "$DVTM" ]] ) \ && zstyle -t ':prezto:module:terminal:auto-title' emulator ) \ || ( is-terminal-inside-multiplexer \ && zstyle -t ':prezto:module:terminal:auto-title' multiplexer ) then # Sets the tab and window titles before the prompt is displayed. add-zsh-hook precmd set-titles-with-path # Sets the tab and window titles before command execution. function set-titles-with-command-preexec { set-titles-with-command "$2" } add-zsh-hook preexec set-titles-with-command-preexec fi