# Perl Enables local [Perl][1] module installation on macOS and defines aliases. ## Local Module Installation Perl versions older than 5.14 do not support the local installation of Perl modules natively. This module allows for local installation of Perl modules on macOS in _`~/Library/Perl/5.12`_ by altering the environment. ### Usage For Perl versions older than 5.14, install _`local::lib`_. ```console curl -L -C - -O http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/A/AP/APEIRON/local-lib-1.008004.tar.gz tar xvf local-lib-1.008004.tar.gz cd local-lib-1.008004 perl Makefile.PL --bootstrap=$HOME/Library/Perl/5.12 make && make test && make install ``` Install _cpanminus_: ```console curl -L http://cpanmin.us | perl - --self-upgrade ``` ## Perlbrew An alternative to the above is to use [Perlbrew][2], which allows for the management of multiple, isolated Perl installations in the home directory. ## plenv Yet another alternative is [_plenv_][3]. This is inspired from _rbenv_ and enables switching between multiple binary installations. The subcommands of _plenv_ is similar with _rbenv_. ## Aliases Aliases are enabled by default. To disable them, add the following to _`${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.zpreztorc`_. ```sh zstyle ':prezto:module:perl:alias' skip 'yes' ``` ### General - `pl` is short for `perl`. - `pld` looks up Perl documentation (`perldoc`). - `ple` executes a one line program in a loop (`perl -wlne`). ### Perlbrew (plb) - `plb` manages Perl environments. - `plba` lists available Perl versions. - `plbi` installs a Perl version. - `plbl` lists installed Perl versions. - `plbo` temporarily turns off Perlbrew. - `plbO` turns off Perlbrew. - `plbs` switches to a Perl version. - `plbu` uninstalls a Perl version. - `plbx` temporarily sets the Perl version to use. ### plenv (plv) - `plv` manages Perl environments. - `plvc` List all available plenv commands. - `plvl` Set or show the local application-specific Perl version. - `plvg` Set or show the global Perl version. - `plvs` Set or show the shell-specific Perl version. - `plvi` Install a Perl version using the perl-build plugin. - `plvu` Uninstall a specific Perl version. - `plvr` Rehash plenv shims (run this after installing executables). - `plvv` Show the current Perl version and its origin. - `plvV` List all Perl versions available to plenv. - `plvw` Display the full path to an executable. - `plvW` List all Perl versions that contain the given executable. - `plvm` List cpan modules in current perl. - `plvM` Migrate cpan modules from other version. - `plvI` Install cpanm. ## Functions - `perl-info` exposes information about the Perl environment via the `$perl_info` associative array. ## Theming To display the name of the current Perl version in a prompt, define the following style in the `prompt_name_setup` function. ```sh # %v - perl version. zstyle ':prezto:module:perl:info:version' format 'version:%v' ``` Then add `$perl_info[version]` to `$PROMPT` or `$RPROMPT` and call `perl-info` in the `prompt_name_precmd` hook function. ## Authors _The authors of this module should be contacted via the [issue tracker][4]._ - [Sorin Ionescu](https://github.com/sorin-ionescu) [1]: https://www.perl.org [2]: https://perlbrew.pl [3]: https://github.com/tokuhirom/plenv [4]: https://github.com/sorin-ionescu/prezto/issues