mirror of https://github.com/dcarrillo/prezto.git synced 2024-10-05 01:32:38 +00:00
2012-08-28 23:58:09 -04:00
functions Move prep and psub from Perl to Utility 2012-08-13 20:13:55 -04:00
init.zsh Use $VISUAL and fallback on $EDITOR for the e alias 2012-08-28 23:58:09 -04:00
README.md Move prep and psub from Perl to Utility 2012-08-13 20:13:55 -04:00


Defines general aliases and functions.



If you have enabled color globally in zshrc, you may disable it for certain commands.

To disable ls color, add the following line to zshrc; when coloring is disabled, type indicators (*, /, =>, @, =, |, %) will be appended to entries.

zstyle ':omz:module:utility:ls' color 'no'

To disable diff highlighting, add the following line to zshrc:

zstyle ':omz:module:utility:diff' color 'no'

To disable wdiff highlighting, add the following line to zshrc:

zstyle ':omz:module:utility:wdiff' color 'no'

To disable make highlighting, add the following line to zshrc:

zstyle ':omz:module:utility:make' color 'no'


Disabled Spelling Correction

  • ack
  • cd
  • cp
  • ebuild
  • gcc
  • gist
  • grep
  • heroku
  • ln
  • man
  • mkdir
  • mv
  • mysql
  • rm

Disabled File Globbing

  • fc
  • find
  • ftp
  • history
  • locate
  • rake
  • rsync
  • scp
  • sftp


  • _ executes a command as another user (sudo).
  • b opens the default web browser.
  • cp copies files and directories interactively.
  • e opens the default editor.
  • ln links files and directories interactively.
  • mkdir creates directories, including intermediary directories.
  • mv moves files and directories interactively.
  • p opens the default pager.
  • po removes a directory from the stack and changes to it (popd).
  • pu changes the directory and pushes the old directory onto the stack (pushd).
  • rm removes files and directories interactively.
  • type displays all the attribute values of a shell parameter.

Files and Directories

  • ls lists with directories grouped first (GNU only).
  • l lists in one column, hidden files.
  • ll lists human readable sizes.
  • lr lists human readable sizes, recursively.
  • la lists human readable sizes, hidden files.
  • lm lists human readable sizes, hidden files through pager.
  • lx lists sorted by extension (GNU only).
  • lk lists sorted by size, largest last.
  • lt lists sorted by date, most recent last.
  • lc lists sorted by date, most recent last, shows change time.
  • lu lists sorted by date, most recent last, shows access time.
  • sl lists directory contents (ls).

Mac OS X Everywhere

  • o opens files and directories (open or xdg-open).
  • get downloads files (curl or wget).
  • pbcopy copies to the pasteboard (pbcopy, xclip or xsel).
  • pbpaste pastes from the pasteboard (pbcopy, xclip or xsel).
  • pbc copies to the pasteboard (pbcopy).
  • pbp pastes from the pasteboard (pbpaste).

Resource Usage

  • df displays free disk space using human readable units.
  • du displays disk usage using human readable units.
  • top displays information about processes (aliased to htop, if installed).
  • topc displays information about processes sorted by CPU usage (htop not installed).
  • topm displays information about processes sorted by RAM usage (htop not installed).


  • http-serve serves a directory via HTTP.



  • slit prints columns 1, 2, 3 ... n.

Files and Directories

  • cdls changes to a directory and lists its contents.
  • dut displays the grand total disk usage using human readable units.
  • find-exec finds files and executes a command on them.
  • mkdcd makes a directory and changes to it.
  • popdls pops an entry off the directory stack and lists its contents.
  • pushdls pushes an entry onto the directory stack and lists its contents.


  • diff highlights diff output (requires colordiff or Git).
  • make highlights make output (requires colormake).
  • wdiff highlights wdiff output (requires wdiff or Git).

Resource usage

  • psu displays user owned processes status.

Search and Replace

  • prep provides a grep-like pattern search.
  • psub provides a sed-like pattern substitution.


The authors of this module should be contacted via the issue tracker.