mirror of
synced 2025-02-05 17:46:47 +00:00
Modern `git` can use `submodule` option `update` instead of `foreach` to achieve approximately similar outcome. To allows call without assuming that all submodules will have default branch as `master`, the preferred approach would be to call `git submodule update --remote --recursive` after registering the correct branch for submodule in `.gitmodules`: ``` git config -f .gitmodules submodule.<path>.branch <branch> ``` For more discussion, see: https://stackoverflow.com/a/33835815 Signed-off-by: Indrajit Raychaudhuri <irc@indrajit.com>
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# Defines Git aliases.
# Authors:
# Sorin Ionescu <sorin.ionescu@gmail.com>
# Settings
# Log
zstyle -s ':prezto:module:git:log:medium' format '_git_log_medium_format' \
|| _git_log_medium_format='%C(bold)Commit:%C(reset) %C(green)%H%C(red)%d%n%C(bold)Author:%C(reset) %C(cyan)%an <%ae>%n%C(bold)Date:%C(reset) %C(blue)%ai (%ar)%C(reset)%n%+B'
zstyle -s ':prezto:module:git:log:oneline' format '_git_log_oneline_format' \
|| _git_log_oneline_format='%C(green)%h%C(reset) %s%C(red)%d%C(reset)%n'
zstyle -s ':prezto:module:git:log:brief' format '_git_log_brief_format' \
|| _git_log_brief_format='%C(green)%h%C(reset) %s%n%C(blue)(%ar by %an)%C(red)%d%C(reset)%n'
# Status
zstyle -s ':prezto:module:git:status:ignore' submodules '_git_status_ignore_submodules' \
|| _git_status_ignore_submodules='none'
# Aliases
if ! zstyle -t ':prezto:module:git:alias' skip; then
# Git
alias g='git'
# Branch (b)
alias gb='git branch'
alias gba='git branch --all --verbose'
alias gbc='git checkout -b'
alias gbd='git branch --delete'
alias gbD='git branch --delete --force'
alias gbl='git branch --verbose'
alias gbL='git branch --all --verbose'
alias gbm='git branch --move'
alias gbM='git branch --move --force'
alias gbr='git branch --move'
alias gbR='git branch --move --force'
alias gbs='git show-branch'
alias gbS='git show-branch --all'
alias gbv='git branch --verbose'
alias gbV='git branch --verbose --verbose'
alias gbx='git branch --delete'
alias gbX='git branch --delete --force'
# Commit (c)
alias gc='git commit --verbose'
alias gcS='git commit --verbose --gpg-sign'
alias gca='git commit --verbose --all'
alias gcaS='git commit --verbose --all --gpg-sign'
alias gcm='git commit --message'
alias gcmS='git commit --message --gpg-sign'
alias gcam='git commit --all --message'
alias gco='git checkout'
alias gcO='git checkout --patch'
alias gcf='git commit --amend --reuse-message HEAD'
alias gcfS='git commit --amend --reuse-message HEAD --gpg-sign'
alias gcF='git commit --verbose --amend'
alias gcFS='git commit --verbose --amend --gpg-sign'
alias gcp='git cherry-pick --ff'
alias gcP='git cherry-pick --no-commit'
alias gcr='git revert'
alias gcR='git reset "HEAD^"'
alias gcs='git show'
alias gcsS='git show --pretty=short --show-signature'
alias gcl='git-commit-lost'
alias gcy='git cherry --verbose --abbrev'
alias gcY='git cherry --verbose'
# Conflict (C)
alias gCl='git --no-pager diff --name-only --diff-filter=U'
alias gCa='git add $(gCl)'
alias gCe='git mergetool $(gCl)'
alias gCo='git checkout --ours --'
alias gCO='gCo $(gCl)'
alias gCt='git checkout --theirs --'
alias gCT='gCt $(gCl)'
# Data (d)
alias gd='git ls-files'
alias gdc='git ls-files --cached'
alias gdx='git ls-files --deleted'
alias gdm='git ls-files --modified'
alias gdu='git ls-files --other --exclude-standard'
alias gdk='git ls-files --killed'
alias gdi='git status --porcelain --short --ignored | sed -n "s/^!! //p"'
# Fetch (f)
alias gf='git fetch'
alias gfa='git fetch --all'
alias gfc='git clone'
alias gfcr='git clone --recurse-submodules'
alias gfm='git pull'
alias gfma='git pull --autostash'
alias gfr='git pull --rebase'
alias gfra='git pull --rebase --autostash'
# Flow (F)
alias gFi='git flow init'
alias gFf='git flow feature'
alias gFb='git flow bugfix'
alias gFl='git flow release'
alias gFh='git flow hotfix'
alias gFs='git flow support'
alias gFfl='git flow feature list'
alias gFfs='git flow feature start'
alias gFff='git flow feature finish'
alias gFfp='git flow feature publish'
alias gFft='git flow feature track'
alias gFfd='git flow feature diff'
alias gFfr='git flow feature rebase'
alias gFfc='git flow feature checkout'
alias gFfm='git flow feature pull'
alias gFfx='git flow feature delete'
alias gFbl='git flow bugfix list'
alias gFbs='git flow bugfix start'
alias gFbf='git flow bugfix finish'
alias gFbp='git flow bugfix publish'
alias gFbt='git flow bugfix track'
alias gFbd='git flow bugfix diff'
alias gFbr='git flow bugfix rebase'
alias gFbc='git flow bugfix checkout'
alias gFbm='git flow bugfix pull'
alias gFbx='git flow bugfix delete'
alias gFll='git flow release list'
alias gFls='git flow release start'
alias gFlf='git flow release finish'
alias gFlp='git flow release publish'
alias gFlt='git flow release track'
alias gFld='git flow release diff'
alias gFlr='git flow release rebase'
alias gFlc='git flow release checkout'
alias gFlm='git flow release pull'
alias gFlx='git flow release delete'
alias gFhl='git flow hotfix list'
alias gFhs='git flow hotfix start'
alias gFhf='git flow hotfix finish'
alias gFhp='git flow hotfix publish'
alias gFht='git flow hotfix track'
alias gFhd='git flow hotfix diff'
alias gFhr='git flow hotfix rebase'
alias gFhc='git flow hotfix checkout'
alias gFhm='git flow hotfix pull'
alias gFhx='git flow hotfix delete'
alias gFsl='git flow support list'
alias gFss='git flow support start'
alias gFsf='git flow support finish'
alias gFsp='git flow support publish'
alias gFst='git flow support track'
alias gFsd='git flow support diff'
alias gFsr='git flow support rebase'
alias gFsc='git flow support checkout'
alias gFsm='git flow support pull'
alias gFsx='git flow support delete'
# Grep (g)
alias gg='git grep'
alias ggi='git grep --ignore-case'
alias ggl='git grep --files-with-matches'
alias ggL='git grep --files-without-matches'
alias ggv='git grep --invert-match'
alias ggw='git grep --word-regexp'
# Index (i)
alias gia='git add'
alias giA='git add --patch'
alias giu='git add --update'
alias gid='git diff --no-ext-diff --cached'
alias giD='git diff --no-ext-diff --cached --word-diff'
alias gii='git update-index --assume-unchanged'
alias giI='git update-index --no-assume-unchanged'
alias gir='git reset'
alias giR='git reset --patch'
alias gix='git rm -r --cached'
alias giX='git rm -r --force --cached'
# Log (l)
alias gl='git log --topo-order --pretty=format:"$_git_log_medium_format"'
alias gls='git log --topo-order --stat --pretty=format:"$_git_log_medium_format"'
alias gld='git log --topo-order --stat --patch --full-diff --pretty=format:"$_git_log_medium_format"'
alias glo='git log --topo-order --pretty=format:"$_git_log_oneline_format"'
alias glg='git log --topo-order --graph --pretty=format:"$_git_log_oneline_format"'
alias glb='git log --topo-order --pretty=format:"$_git_log_brief_format"'
alias glc='git shortlog --summary --numbered'
alias glS='git log --show-signature'
# Merge (m)
alias gm='git merge'
alias gmC='git merge --no-commit'
alias gmF='git merge --no-ff'
alias gma='git merge --abort'
alias gmt='git mergetool'
# Push (p)
alias gp='git push'
alias gpf='git push --force-with-lease'
alias gpF='git push --force'
alias gpa='git push --all'
alias gpA='git push --all && git push --tags'
alias gpt='git push --tags'
alias gpc='git push --set-upstream origin "$(git-branch-current 2> /dev/null)"'
alias gpp='git pull origin "$(git-branch-current 2> /dev/null)" && git push origin "$(git-branch-current 2> /dev/null)"'
# Rebase (r)
alias gr='git rebase'
alias gra='git rebase --abort'
alias grc='git rebase --continue'
alias gri='git rebase --interactive'
alias grs='git rebase --skip'
# Remote (R)
alias gR='git remote'
alias gRl='git remote --verbose'
alias gRa='git remote add'
alias gRx='git remote rm'
alias gRm='git remote rename'
alias gRu='git remote update'
alias gRp='git remote prune'
alias gRs='git remote show'
alias gRb='git-hub-browse'
# Stash (s)
alias gs='git stash'
alias gsa='git stash apply'
alias gsx='git stash drop'
alias gsX='git-stash-clear-interactive'
alias gsl='git stash list'
alias gsL='git-stash-dropped'
alias gsd='git stash show --patch --stat'
alias gsp='git stash pop'
alias gsr='git-stash-recover'
alias gss='git stash save --include-untracked'
alias gsS='git stash save --patch --no-keep-index'
alias gsw='git stash save --include-untracked --keep-index'
# Submodule (S)
alias gS='git submodule'
alias gSa='git submodule add'
alias gSf='git submodule foreach'
alias gSi='git submodule init'
alias gSI='git submodule update --init --recursive'
alias gSl='git submodule status'
alias gSm='git-submodule-move'
alias gSs='git submodule sync'
alias gSu='git submodule update --remote --recursive'
alias gSx='git-submodule-remove'
# Tag (t)
alias gt='git tag'
alias gtl='git tag --list'
alias gts='git tag --sign'
alias gtv='git verify-tag'
# Working Copy (w)
alias gws='git status --ignore-submodules=$_git_status_ignore_submodules --short'
alias gwS='git status --ignore-submodules=$_git_status_ignore_submodules'
alias gwd='git diff --no-ext-diff'
alias gwD='git diff --no-ext-diff --word-diff'
alias gwr='git reset --soft'
alias gwR='git reset --hard'
alias gwc='git clean --dry-run'
alias gwC='git clean --force'
alias gwx='git rm -r'
alias gwX='git rm -r --force'