mirror of https://github.com/dcarrillo/prezto.git synced 2024-07-02 09:50:27 +00:00
Samantha McVey a876890afd [utility] scp/rsync glob local paths but don't glob remote paths
Adds a function which wraps rsync and scp so that remote paths are not globbed
but local paths are globbed. This is because the programs have their own
globbing for remote paths. The wrap function globs args starting in / and ./
and doesn't glob paths with : in it as these are interpreted as remote paths
by these programs unless the path starts with / or ./

Fixes issue #1125
2017-07-03 17:20:34 -07:00
functions Rework diff function 2017-04-15 14:06:07 -07:00
init.zsh [utility] scp/rsync glob local paths but don't glob remote paths 2017-07-03 17:20:34 -07:00
README.md Fix #1337 by removing top alias to htop. (#1341) 2017-06-21 14:37:03 -07:00


Defines general aliases and functions.



If you have enabled color globally in zpreztorc, you may disable it for certain commands.

To disable ls color, add the following line to zpreztorc; when coloring is disabled, type indicators (*, /, =>, @, =, |, %) will be appended to entries.

zstyle ':prezto:module:utility:ls' color 'no'

To disable diff highlighting, add the following line to zpreztorc:

zstyle ':prezto:module:utility:diff' color 'no'

To disable wdiff highlighting, add the following line to zpreztorc:

zstyle ':prezto:module:utility:wdiff' color 'no'

To disable make highlighting, add the following line to zpreztorc:

zstyle ':prezto:module:utility:make' color 'no'


Disabled Spelling Correction

  • ack
  • cd
  • cp
  • ebuild
  • gcc
  • gist
  • grep
  • heroku
  • ln
  • man
  • mkdir
  • mv
  • mysql
  • rm

Disabled File Globbing

  • bower
  • fc
  • find
  • ftp
  • history
  • locate
  • rake
  • rsync
  • scp
  • sftp


  • _ executes a command as another user (sudo).
  • b opens the default web browser.
  • cp copies files and directories interactively.
  • diffu shorthand for diff --unified
  • e opens the default editor.
  • ln links files and directories interactively.
  • mkdir creates directories, including intermediary directories.
  • mv moves files and directories interactively.
  • p opens the default pager.
  • po removes a directory from the stack and changes to it (popd).
  • pu changes the directory and pushes the old directory onto the stack (pushd).
  • rm removes files and directories interactively.
  • sa search aliases for a word.
  • type displays all the attribute values of a shell parameter.

Files and Directories

  • ls lists with directories grouped first (GNU only).
  • l lists in one column, hidden files.
  • ll lists human readable sizes.
  • lr lists human readable sizes, recursively.
  • la lists human readable sizes, hidden files.
  • lm lists human readable sizes, hidden files through pager.
  • lx lists sorted by extension (GNU only).
  • lk lists sorted by size, largest last.
  • lt lists sorted by date, most recent last.
  • lc lists sorted by date, most recent last, shows change time.
  • lu lists sorted by date, most recent last, shows access time.
  • sl lists directory contents (ls).

Mac OS X Everywhere

  • o opens files and directories (open or xdg-open).
  • get downloads files (curl or wget).
  • pbcopy copies to the pasteboard (pbcopy, xclip or xsel).
  • pbpaste pastes from the pasteboard (pbcopy, xclip or xsel).
  • pbc copies to the pasteboard (pbcopy).
  • pbp pastes from the pasteboard (pbpaste).

Resource Usage

  • df displays free disk space using human readable units (aliases to pydf, if installed).
  • du displays disk usage using human readable units.
  • top displays information about processes.
  • topc displays information about processes sorted by CPU usage.
  • topm displays information about processes sorted by RAM usage.


  • http-serve serves a directory via HTTP.



  • slit prints columns 1, 2, 3 ... n.

Files and Directories

  • cdls changes to a directory and lists its contents.
  • dut displays the grand total disk usage using human readable units.
  • find-exec finds files and executes a command on them.
  • mkdcd makes a directory and changes to it.
  • popdls pops an entry off the directory stack and lists its contents.
  • pushdls pushes an entry onto the directory stack and lists its contents.


  • diff highlights diff output (requires colordiff or Git).
  • make highlights make output (requires colormake).
  • wdiff highlights wdiff output (requires wdiff or Git).

Resource usage

  • psu displays user owned processes status.

Search and Replace

  • prep provides a grep-like pattern search.
  • psub provides a sed-like pattern substitution.


The authors of this module should be contacted via the issue tracker.