This updates the submodules for autosuggestions, completion, syntax-highlighting and the prompts async, powerlevel9k and pure. All submodules that have TAGs/Releases were updated to their latest TAG/release, except for syntax-highlighting because it's latest release/TAG is from more than one year ago, and the project seems to be well maintained but without releases.
Loads and configures tab completion and provides additional completions from the zsh-completions project.
This module must be loaded after the utility module.
Ignore /etc/hosts Entries
To ignore certain entries from static /etc/hosts for host completion, add the following lines in zpreztorc with the IP addresses of the hosts as they appear in /etc/hosts. Both IP address and the corresponding hostname will be ignored during host completion. However, some of the entries ignored from /etc/hosts still might appear during completion because of their presence in ssh configuration or history).
zstyle ':prezto:module:completion:*:hosts' etc-host-ignores \
'' ''
Completions should be submitted to the zsh-completions project according to its rules and regulations. This module will be synchronized against it.
The authors of this module should be contacted via the issue tracker.