Refactor tests

This commit is contained in:
Daniel Carrillo 2019-12-15 18:45:41 +01:00
parent 8e4090584c
commit a6c7c8e7c7
2 changed files with 12 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ http {
server_name _ "";
access_log /dev/fd/1;
location = /geoip {
location = /ip {
limit_req zone=limited4 burst=5 nodelay;
if ($http_user_agent ~* (?:curl|wget|libwww-perl|python|ansible-httpget|HTTPie|WindowsPowerShell|http_request|^$)) {
return 200 "$remote_addr\n";

View File

@ -2,6 +2,10 @@
set -e
if [ x"$DEBUG" = xtrue ]; then
set -x
trap _catch_err ERR
trap _cleanup EXIT
@ -63,16 +67,14 @@ docker run --name "${NGINX_VERSION}"_test --rm -p 65521:80 -p 65523:443 \
-v "$TMP_DIR"/dhparams.pem:/tmp/dhparams.pem:ro \
printf "\nTesting http request: %s:%s\n" "${DOCKER_IMAGE}" "${NGINX_VERSION}"
STATUS_CODE=$(curl -s -m 5 -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" http://localhost:65521/nginx_status)
_check_status_code "$STATUS_CODE"
for request in http://localhost:65521/nginx_status https://localhost:65523/nginx_status; do
printf "\nRequesting %s\n" $request
STATUS_CODE=$(curl -s -k -m 5 -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" $request)
_check_status_code "$STATUS_CODE"
printf "\nTesting https request: %s:%s\n" "${DOCKER_IMAGE}" "${NGINX_VERSION}"
STATUS_CODE=$(curl -s -m 5 -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" --http2 -k https://localhost:65523/)
_check_status_code "$STATUS_CODE"
printf "\nTesting http geoip request: %s:%s\n" "${DOCKER_IMAGE}" "${NGINX_VERSION}"
RESPONSE=$(curl -s -m 5 http://localhost:65521/geoip)
printf "\nRequesting http://localhost:65521/ip\n"
RESPONSE=$(curl -s -m 5 http://localhost:65521/ip)
_check_if_is_ip "$RESPONSE"
echo "All tests succeeded !"