mirror of
synced 2024-12-22 06:58:01 +00:00
Merge upstream/master
This commit is contained in:
@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ unsetopt CLOBBER # Do not overwrite existing files with > and >>.
# Aliases
alias -- -='cd -'
alias d='dirs -v'
for index ({1..9}) alias "$index"="cd +${index}"; unset index
if ! zstyle -t ':prezto:module:directory:alias' skip; then
alias -- -='cd -'
alias d='dirs -v'
for index ({1..9}) alias "$index"="cd +${index}"; unset index
@ -19,7 +19,9 @@ source "$HOME/.cask/etc/cask_completion.zsh" 2> /dev/null
# Aliases
alias cai='cask install'
alias cau='cask update'
alias caI='cask init'
alias cae='cask exec'
if ! zstyle -t ':prezto:module:emacs:alias' skip; then
alias cai='cask install'
alias cau='cask update'
alias caI='cask init'
alias cae='cask exec'
@ -53,5 +53,7 @@ function fasd_cd {
# Aliases
# Changes the current working directory interactively.
alias j='fasd_cd -i'
if ! zstyle -t ':prezto:module:fasd:alias' skip; then
# Changes the current working directory interactively.
alias j='fasd_cd -i'
@ -38,8 +38,10 @@ unset _pmh_{hist{file,size},savehist}
# Aliases
# Lists the ten most used commands.
alias history-stat="history 0 | awk '{print \$2}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n -r | head"
if ! zstyle -t ':prezto:module:history:alias' skip; then
# Lists the ten most used commands.
alias history-stat="history 0 | awk '{print \$2}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n -r | head"
if [[ -s "${OLD_HISTFILE::=${HISTFILE:h}/.zhistory}" ]]; then
@ -29,19 +29,21 @@ fi
# Homebrew
alias brewc='brew cleanup'
alias brewi='brew install'
alias brewL='brew leaves'
alias brewl='brew list'
alias brewo='brew outdated'
alias brews='brew search'
alias brewu='brew upgrade'
alias brewx='brew uninstall'
if ! zstyle -t ':prezto:module:homebrew:alias' skip; then
alias brewc='brew cleanup'
alias brewi='brew install'
alias brewL='brew leaves'
alias brewl='brew list'
alias brewo='brew outdated'
alias brews='brew search'
alias brewu='brew upgrade'
alias brewx='brew uninstall'
# Homebrew Cask
alias caski='brew install --cask'
alias caskl='brew list --cask'
alias casko='brew outdated --cask'
alias casks='brew search --cask'
alias casku='brew upgrade --cask'
alias caskx='brew uninstall --cask'
# Homebrew Cask
alias caski='brew install --cask'
alias caskl='brew list --cask'
alias casko='brew outdated --cask'
alias casks='brew search --cask'
alias casku='brew upgrade --cask'
alias caskx='brew uninstall --cask'
@ -28,10 +28,12 @@ path=(
# Aliases
alias portc='sudo port clean --all installed'
alias porti='sudo port install'
alias ports='port search'
alias portU='sudo port selfupdate && sudo port upgrade outdated'
alias portu='sudo port upgrade'
alias portX='sudo port -u uninstall'
alias portx='sudo port uninstall'
if ! zstyle -t ':prezto:module:macports:alias' skip; then
alias portc='sudo port clean --all installed'
alias porti='sudo port install'
alias ports='port search'
alias portU='sudo port selfupdate && sudo port upgrade outdated'
alias portu='sudo port upgrade'
alias portX='sudo port -u uninstall'
alias portx='sudo port uninstall'
@ -48,18 +48,20 @@ N_PREFIX="${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/n" # The path to 'n' cache.
# Aliases
# npm
alias npmi='npm install'
alias npml='npm list'
alias npmo='npm outdated'
alias npmp='npm publish'
alias npmP='npm prune'
alias npmr='npm run'
alias npms='npm search'
alias npmt='npm test'
alias npmu='npm update'
alias npmx='npm uninstall'
if ! zstyle -t ':prezto:module:node:alias' skip; then
# npm
alias npmi='npm install'
alias npml='npm list'
alias npmo='npm outdated'
alias npmp='npm publish'
alias npmP='npm prune'
alias npmr='npm run'
alias npms='npm search'
alias npmt='npm test'
alias npmu='npm update'
alias npmx='npm uninstall'
alias npmci='npm ci'
alias npmcit='npm cit'
alias npmit='npm it'
alias npmci='npm ci'
alias npmcit='npm cit'
alias npmit='npm it'
@ -61,37 +61,39 @@ fi
# Aliases
# General
alias pl='perl'
alias pld='perldoc'
alias ple='perl -wlne'
if ! zstyle -t ':prezto:module:perl:alias' skip; then
# General
alias pl='perl'
alias pld='perldoc'
alias ple='perl -wlne'
# Perlbrew
if (( $+commands[perlbrew] )); then
alias plb='perlbrew'
alias plba='perlbrew available'
alias plbi='perlbrew install'
alias plbl='perlbrew list'
alias plbo='perlbrew off'
alias plbO='perlbrew switch-off'
alias plbs='perlbrew switch'
alias plbu='perlbrew use'
alias plbx='perlbrew uninstall'
# Perlbrew
if (( $+commands[perlbrew] )); then
alias plb='perlbrew'
alias plba='perlbrew available'
alias plbi='perlbrew install'
alias plbl='perlbrew list'
alias plbo='perlbrew off'
alias plbO='perlbrew switch-off'
alias plbs='perlbrew switch'
alias plbu='perlbrew use'
alias plbx='perlbrew uninstall'
elif (( $+commands[plenv] )); then
alias plv='plenv'
alias plvc='plenv commands'
alias plvl='plenv local'
alias plvg='plenv global'
alias plvs='plenv shell'
alias plvi='plenv install'
alias plvu='plenv uninstall'
alias plvr='plenv rehash'
alias plvv='plenv version'
alias plvV='plenv versions'
alias plvw='plenv which'
alias plvW='plenv whence'
alias plvm='plenv list-modules'
alias plvM='plenv migrate-modules'
alias plvI='plenv install-cpanm'
elif (( $+commands[plenv] )); then
alias plv='plenv'
alias plvc='plenv commands'
alias plvl='plenv local'
alias plvg='plenv global'
alias plvs='plenv shell'
alias plvi='plenv install'
alias plvu='plenv uninstall'
alias plvr='plenv rehash'
alias plvv='plenv version'
alias plvV='plenv versions'
alias plvw='plenv which'
alias plvW='plenv whence'
alias plvm='plenv list-modules'
alias plvM='plenv migrate-modules'
alias plvI='plenv install-cpanm'
@ -171,6 +171,8 @@ fi
# Aliases
alias py='python'
alias py2='python2'
alias py3='python3'
if ! zstyle -t ':prezto:module:python:alias' skip; then
alias py='python'
alias py2='python2'
alias py3='python3'
@ -19,17 +19,19 @@ fi
# Aliases
alias ror='bundle exec rails'
alias rorc='bundle exec rails console'
alias rordc='bundle exec rails dbconsole'
alias rordm='bundle exec rake db:migrate'
alias rordM='bundle exec rake db:migrate db:test:clone'
alias rordr='bundle exec rake db:rollback'
alias rorg='bundle exec rails generate'
alias rorl='tail -f "$(ruby-app-root)/log/development.log"'
alias rorlc='bundle exec rake log:clear'
alias rorp='bundle exec rails plugin'
alias rorr='bundle exec rails runner'
alias rors='bundle exec rails server'
alias rorsd='bundle exec rails server --debugger'
alias rorx='bundle exec rails destroy'
if ! zstyle -t ':prezto:module:rails:alias' skip; then
alias ror='bundle exec rails'
alias rorc='bundle exec rails console'
alias rordc='bundle exec rails dbconsole'
alias rordm='bundle exec rake db:migrate'
alias rordM='bundle exec rake db:migrate db:test:clone'
alias rordr='bundle exec rake db:rollback'
alias rorg='bundle exec rails generate'
alias rorl='tail -f "$(ruby-app-root)/log/development.log"'
alias rorlc='bundle exec rake log:clear'
alias rorp='bundle exec rails plugin'
alias rorr='bundle exec rails runner'
alias rors='bundle exec rails server'
alias rorsd='bundle exec rails server --debugger'
alias rorx='bundle exec rails destroy'
@ -59,23 +59,25 @@ fi
# Aliases
# General
alias rb='ruby'
if ! zstyle -t ':prezto:module:ruby:alias' skip; then
# General
alias rb='ruby'
# Bundler
if (( $+commands[bundle] )); then
alias rbb='bundle'
alias rbbc='bundle clean'
alias rbbe='bundle exec'
alias rbbi='bundle install --path vendor/bundle'
alias rbbl='bundle list'
alias rbbo='bundle open'
alias rbbp='bundle package'
alias rbbu='bundle update'
alias rbbI='rbbi \
&& bundle package \
&& print .bundle >>! .gitignore \
&& print vendor/assets >>! .gitignore \
&& print vendor/bundle >>! .gitignore \
&& print vendor/cache >>! .gitignore'
# Bundler
if (( $+commands[bundle] )); then
alias rbb='bundle'
alias rbbc='bundle clean'
alias rbbe='bundle exec'
alias rbbi='bundle install --path vendor/bundle'
alias rbbl='bundle list'
alias rbbo='bundle open'
alias rbbp='bundle package'
alias rbbu='bundle update'
alias rbbI='rbbi \
&& bundle package \
&& print .bundle >>! .gitignore \
&& print vendor/assets >>! .gitignore \
&& print vendor/bundle >>! .gitignore \
&& print vendor/cache >>! .gitignore'
@ -36,7 +36,9 @@ fi
# Aliases
alias scr='screen'
alias scrl='screen -list'
alias scrn='screen -U -S'
alias scrr='screen -a -A -U -D -R'
if ! zstyle -t ':prezto:module:screen:alias' skip; then
alias scr='screen'
alias scrl='screen -list'
alias scrn='screen -U -S'
alias scrr='screen -a -A -U -D -R'
@ -45,5 +45,7 @@ fi
# Aliases
alias tmuxa="tmux $_tmux_iterm_integration new-session -A"
alias tmuxl='tmux list-sessions'
if ! zstyle -t ':prezto:module:tmux:alias' skip; then
alias tmuxa="tmux $_tmux_iterm_integration new-session -A"
alias tmuxl='tmux list-sessions'
Reference in New Issue
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